Tuesday 22 May 2012

This is the scariest thing I've heard of for a long time.

Although I'm totally in favour of nuclear energy - it's efficient and sustainable. But thinking about this kept me awake for quite a time last night.
Okay I appreciate what is said about the cost of the things but what about the enormous amount of money that is being thrown at creating those bloody inefficient and downright ugly windfarms. Money that is being spent on what is very nearly a stoneage technology.

And how many nuclear reactors could have been built for the cost of the Olympic charade? Cheap power for decades versus decades of debt and a few glittery trinkets. It makes no sense at all.

But the idea of handing over control of something so vital to any foreign power, let alone one as flakey as the Chinese, is just the stuff of nightmares. What next? How about letting them provide our armed forces as well!!

Even entertaining the idea should, by rights, cost the Tories every single seat they have in Westminster.

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