Saturday 24 November 2012

Seemingly strange decision by Rotherham Council makes a certain amount of sense

Rotherham Council Leader Roger Stone
On the face of it the decision by Rotherham Council to remove three children from the foster care of a married couple, because of their membership of UKIP, seems to be farcical.

But when considered alongside this grammatically confused statement by the local Labour party leader it is less clear cut:
I don't know all the facts of this case but I am clear, what matters is children in Rotherham and elsewhere, and being a member of a political party like Ukip should not be a bar to fostering children.

I'm not sure if UKIP's declared anti EU stance can be considered racist or not, but I am certain that the principle itself is justifiable. If the couple had been members of, say, the BNP the press would have been hounding Rotherham Council for even allowing the couple to become foster parents in the first place.

So really the question is the much broader and more tendentious one of whether being anti European is necessarily the same as having racist views. If so then I am a racist!

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