Sunday 6 December 2015

Fuzzy, populist sayings like 'YouAintNoMuslimBruv' are no answer at all to the problems facing us

Not least because, in my pedantic view, when translated into reasonable English it actually means -
"You are a Muslim, brother"
Not what was intended of course but it does underline the naïveté of the people who retweet it on Twitter as if it is some kind of salvation and will prevent mass slaughter coming to our own streets.
Recently I had an exchange with a fellow Twitterer whose somewhat Corbyn-esque solution to the ISIS problem was as follows:
1) Vienna Peace talks
2) Stop weapon sales into region
3) Secure Turkey's boarder. (sic)
4) Asset freezes for Daesh
5) Close social media accounts
6) Rehome refugees
7) Lots of cuddles.
My response to this was as follows (slightly padded out since I am now free of the 140 character limit) -

1) Does anyone seriously imagine that ISIS would send representatives to UN peace talks. And if they did what would be their demands? An end to Christianity? Sharia Law to apply in all countries?

2) How do you achieve that? Nowadays weapons are bought and sold between terrorist/criminal organisations such as the IRA and the Russian mafia. Even in this country more weapons 'disappear' from military armouries than are ever admitted or discussed.

3) I don't see what that would achieve. Does 'secure' mean stop people crossing it altogether? Islamists get abroad by lots of other means. And that is apart from the ones already embedded in the West.

4) Terrorist organisations deal mainly in gold and other ready forms of currency. They certainly don't have accounts at your local Nat West and simply go to their nearest ATM machine when they need to buy a new AK-47. I don't suppose they even use numbered Swiss bank accounts and even if they do, getting the Swiss authorities to freeze them would be significantly more difficult that pulling hen's teeth.

5) I presume that this was included as a means of hindering communication between cells. For each one closed they could open 20 more in the blink of an eye. Or if it was meant as a means of preventing further radicalisation then the words 'stable door', 'horse' and 'bolted' seem to apply.

6) Does anyone seriously think that finding homes for every refugee in a street with a McDonalds and a KFC and within a short bus ride of a Sainsbury supermarket is a realistic solution for anything?

7) Just about the most fatuous and puerile suggestion I have ever seen.

So what is my answer? I don't think there is one. Maybe the most realistic strategy is one of containment and erosion (in a military sense). I'm certain that there is no solution which would be instantly effective. After all what can you do about a people who believe that dropping homosexuals off tall buildings brings them closer to Allah or that using children to murder non-believers is some kind of legitimate act. Everything they do points to the fact that all those people actually understand or respect is death.

What I will say is that my heart goes out to those members of the armed forces on whom we depend for our lives and liberty and that every one of those aircrew who are sent out to destroy the ISIS infrastructures in Syria return to their base at RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus (a place I used to know quite well) completely unharmed.
Below is the message we must be sending to those vile murderers not fuzzy, vapid and illiterate chants.

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