Wednesday 29 June 2016

No Cameron, not all of us voted #Brexit in the #EUReferendum because of immigration policies...........

Some of us voted to leave because we believe that this country should never have abandoned the Commonwealth in the first place. Those were countries that supported us throughout both world wars and our economy was in better shape when they were our trading partners - the clue is in the name - Commonwealth. Geddit?

Personally I hate the implication that our reasons for wanting to leave are solely based on immigration policies. You are responsible for the upsurge in racial tension that is happening now.

Some of us also voted to leave the EU because we hoped it would mean an end to the parasitic sponging of people like Neil Kinnock and his wife. However now it seems that the UK taxpayer will still be responsible for their enormous pensions.

And no, no one with any sense believed all that tarradiddle about the EU payments of £350 million per week being redirected to the NHS. We know that politicians always lie and we voted out because we thought it might, just might, get rid of you - one of the biggest liars of them all.

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